Hugo Leonardo Martins de Paula Santos

35 years old • Marriage • Rio de Janeiro

UX/UI Designer, Desenvolvedor Web, Fotógrafo


"I am always striving to expand my knowledge and experience in technical and creative fields. I seek a dynamic and innovative company where I can play a significant role on the team and leverage my ideas and skills to drive success together."

UI/UX Design


Wordpress Development






Dados & Analytics



2007 - 2011

[Education] Graphic Design Bachelor

Unicarioca - Campus Rio Comprido

[English] B2 Level

Great reading, understanding and pronunciation. Reasonable writing and conversation.


2007 - 2008

[Trainee] Graphic Designer | Cohidro Consultoria

Report book layouts, infographics creation, illustrations, covers and other graphic pieces.

2008 - 2010

Graphic Designer | Ramandula Gráfica & Editora

Creation of graphic materials in general, such as visual identity, advertising copywriting, book publishing, closing files and monitoring offset printing.

2011 - 2012

UI/UX Designer - Web Dev | Midia Dream Soluções

Visual identity, Artworks for web and print, Website and E-commerce Development.

2012 - 2016

Web Master - Social Media | PCdoB-RJ

Creation, implementation and general management of the PCdoB-RJ Portal. Creation of visual material for the web and administration of social networks.

2017- 2020

UI Designer, Desenvolvedor WordPress, Fotógrafo |

Creation of Visual Identity, web development and photographer.


UX/UI Designer, Desenvolvedor WordPress | Crialiv

UX/UI Design, criação, implementação e edição de temas wordpress, woocommerce, progressive web apps, AMP, SEO, SEM entre outros.

Jun-2021 - Atualmente

Web Designer Pleno / Desenvolvedor WordPress | Controllab

Administração, manutenção e criação de landing pages, plugins e temas wordpress. Análise de dados (Google Analytics), SEO. Desenvolvimento de peças gráficas, animações e edições de vídeos em geral.

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    • Everything
    • Art
    • Branding
    • Creative
    • Design

    Guest App Walkthrough Screens

    Guest App Walkthrough Screens

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam hendrerit nibh in massa semper rutrum. In rhoncus eleifend mi id tempus.
    Donec consectetur, libero at pretium euismod, nisl felis lobortis urna, id tristique nisl lectus eget ligula.
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    Guest App Walkthrough Screens

    Guest App Walkthrough Screens

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam hendrerit nibh in massa semper rutrum. In rhoncus eleifend mi id tempus.

    Donec consectetur, libero at pretium euismod, nisl felis lobortis urna, id tristique nisl lectus eget ligula.

    View on Dribbble